About Karen
Karen Langevin teaches awareness through movement. A movement artist for over 30 years, and an Alexander Technique teacher for 27, she has the experience to help others bridge the gap between mind and body. Her passion for the mind/body continuum infuses her art as improviser, and her pedagogy as yoga instructor, movement coach, and Alexander Technique teacher. Karen has a BA in Dance and Anthropology from California State, Long Beach, and her Alexander certification from the American Center for Alexander Technique. She also studied Pre-Med at Hunter College.
Her work has been presented in New York City, Arizona, Denver, Puerto Rico, and Mexico. For the past 30 years, she has focused on the art of movement improvisation, exploring connections between science, nature, presence, and community. She has received grants from the Institute of Culture of Puerto Rico (ICP), and work commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art of Puerto Rico (MAC). Recent works include RE VIENTO (2018), an improvisational series between movement, sound and space; FORTUNE (2019), experimenting with “foretelling” through movement, sound and text; PANDEMICA aire, fuego, tierra y agua (2020), a movement and poetry journal developed during the 2020 pandemic with poet Irizelma Robles; and, MAMÍFERA, MAMÍFERAsola and MAMÍFERAenserie (2021), a movement, voice, text and video trilogy that studies the interconnections between food, love and sex juxstaposed against the present climatic crisis and sociopolitical unrest. She lives in San Juan, Puerto Rico and is a mother of two.